The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) gets defensive when accused of being hostile to the concerns and freedoms of Christians, but there’s no denying the troubling track record. Everyone knows it.
The scrap contractor suffered severe injuries to his throat and was hospitalized on March 21 in Lahore. His condition is ...
People have killed in the name of faith. But the bloodier record belongs to regimes that tried blotting it out.
Catechesis is done not only in classrooms in the day-to-day life of the Christian community, says Archbishop Nappa ...
Blackpool’s very own orchestra will giving a performance of Tchaikovsky’s sombre but much-loved Pathetique Symphony during a ...
Researchers are beginning to reveal details about St. Teresa of Avila, the 16th-century Catholic saint whose body was found ...
Before an empty and rain-covered St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis held Eucharistic adoration and gave an extraordinary urbi ...
Kate Birdsall Johnson, a billionaire and “eccentric cat fancier” in the 1800s, lived in an ornate Sonoma castle and financed ...
PARIS (OSV News) — Following the restoration of Notre Dame in Paris, significant work began in March on the Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis, located near Paris. This historic site, known as the ...