The threat from near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 may have subsided, but discoveries of other hazardous space rocks are set to ...
A timely field guide proves that it's not all that difficult to develop the mindset for routinely connecting with ...
A genetically modified porcine liver has been successfully transplanted into a human subject, constituting a historic ...
People with autism are typically diagnosed by clinical observation and assessment. To deconstruct the clinical decision process, which is often subjective and difficult to describe, researchers used a ...
Li, S. , Liang, C. and Jin, M. (2025) Precision Limit for Observation: The Bridge for Quantum Classical Transitions. Journal ...
After a year of NGC2 technical experimentation in lab and field environments, the Project Convergence Capstone 5 (PCC5) experiment taking place within ... completing our missions successfully.” For ...
Science uses careful, organized observations and tests to construct theories that are recorded, passed on to others and built on.
The Eckernförde Bight is an example of seasonal hypoxia in shallow coastal waters ... rather than a future scenario since this allows a validation of the model with observational data. We performed ...
In this paper, we propose both a general framework for IfO approaches and also a new IfO approach based on generative adversarial networks called generative adversarial imitation from observation ...
The ultrafast dynamics and interactions of electrons in molecules and solids have long remained hidden from direct observation. For some time now, it has been possible to study these quantum-physical ...
The samples were placed in a critical point dryer for drying. The tobacco leaves were placed close to the conductive carbon film double-sided adhesive and on the sample table of the ion sputtering ...
A set of components which simplify human behaviour experiments developed in the Unity engine ... Use it to fix any compatibility issues. Open an example scene. (e.g. UXF -> Examples -> 2_MoveToTarget ...