La province du Québec, au Canada, attire en tout premier lieu les Français, car il n’y a pas la barrière de la langue à ...
The CS Le Jacques Cartier, the second cruise ship to visit the island this year, arrived at the Port Authority of Guam at 11 p.m. Thursday with 251 passengers and crew. The cruise ship is ...
Growing up in northwestern Ontario, author Brittany Luby would hear things in history class that didn't line up with what she learned at home. From the Ottawa Art Gallery launch to fresh SAW Video ...
Vélos. Trois stations de vélos électriques en libre-service seront mises en place dans le quartier le 18 mai : parc Georges-Besse (8 vélos), au 139 rue Maupas (7 vélos) et au Triangle de la ...
Le parc national de Chitwan (PNC), créé en 1973, est le premier parc national du Népal. Situé au sud du Terai central au Népal, il s’étendait initialement sur les contreforts de l’Himalaya. Ce bien ...
Even the righteous cause of deporting brutal Venezuelan gangs should not tempt the executive branch to undermine the legitimate role of courts. The chief justice was seeking to turn down the ...
Le Russe a maintenant les yeux rivés sur Jacques Plante et le neuvième rang. Il a besoin de 13 victoires pour rejoindre la légende du Canadien de Montréal, mais il y a de fortes chances qu ...
If you have extra time, Old Québec (Vieux-Québec) is worthwhile. Clustered around the city's port on the banks of the St. Lawrence River are the quaint stone buildings and narrow, winding ...
Operated by the renowned French cruise line Ponant, the CS Le Jacques Cartier is known for its elegant design, high-end amenities, and intimate cruising experience. Officials said the ship’s visit ...
An interesting free speech claim involving gender ideology in schools made its way to the Sixth Circuit and tomorrow will be argued en banc. Trump’s pardon-reversal threat is nonsense, but it ...
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 L'importance de ce parc tient à la richesse de sa flore et ... Straddling the two ecological zones, Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park owes ...
Ce vendredi 14 mars 2025, au soir, les enfants de l’école des Courlis, du Tour-du-Parc (Morbihan) donnent une représentation sous le chapiteau du Cirque Métropole, installé au centre du bourg.