24hod.sk - Na gymnáziu v Spišskej Starej Vsi útočil žiak nožom. Po útoku sú dvaja mŕtvi - Žiak zaútočil nožom v škole na východe Slovenska. Zomreli najmenej dvaja ľudia, páchateľ je na úteku ...
ZÁHREB – Len dva týždne po tom, ako sa na Zamagurí stal tragický prípad na gymnáziu, kedy žiak Samuel dobodal svoju ...
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini said there’s no need to declare a state of emergency even after the premier suggested some groups had attempted to organize a “coup.” While some preventive ...
When ARLC chairman Peter V'landys announced the introduction of the PNG NRL side for 2028 on December 12 last year, he also said the Perth consortium, known as the Western Bears and led by former ...
Peter V'landys has declared his intention to introduce rugby league to US President Donald Trump - and believes Panthers superstar Nathan Cleary could be spruiked as Australia's version of NFL ...
“The situation in Slovakia is serious,” said President Peter Pellegrini, former head of the Hlas ruling coalition party, and shows “signs of a purposeful and organized escalation of tensions with the ...
“Peter Grant was a wonderful and talented person that was known for presenting radio and TV shows on many different platforms. “Here is a chat with him I did last year, just to hear his ...
A 19-year-old student’s decision to avoid shaking hands with Slovak President Peter Pellegrini has ignited a political storm, dividing public opinion and drawing reactions from top officials.
„Často som vnímal, že sa v tomto súboji odvolávali na mňa, hovorili, že nesú môj odkaz,“ povedal prezident. Štvorica kritizuje Matúša Šutaja Eštoka za to, že sa odkláňa od politiky, akú robil Peter ...
Prezident Peter Pellegrini rázne odmieta úvahy o úradníckej vláde. Uviedla to hovorkyňa Patrícia ... Na pôde Mestského súdu Bratislava I by v stredu 29. januára malo pokračovať hlavné pojednávanie v k ...