Step inside chilling true stories and fictional nightmares about cults, mind control, and manipulation that make even the ...
Stephen King is behind many lengthy novels, from Four Past Midnight to It, but which are actually worth the time and effort?
These novels, both old and new, will make you shiver with delight one moment and recoil in hair-raising horror the next. In this master class of psychological horror, the naïve second wife of ...
Unlike psychological thriller books, which follow a mystery, psychological horror books "inspire fear through suggestion, paranoia, and implication, rather than through violence, pursuit ...
A chilling exploration of death, grief, and the dangers of tampering with nature. A terrifying novel inspired by real events, ...
A Gripping Thriller of Supernatural Intrigue and Psychological Horror HAZLETON, PA, UNITED STATES, March 19, 2 ...
Darren Aronofsky is in talks to direct Netflix's "Cujo," an adaptation of Stephen King's 1981 novel of the same name about a ...
using tried and true visual novel tropes to pull us in and give a false sense of security before thrashing us with some very effective psychological and meta horror. Only got a few hours to spare?
Psychological horror games use sound and environment design to induce fear. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream presents a disturbing take on AI and dystopian themes. Silent Hill 3 merges disturbing ...
Cujo was first adapted from King’s 1981 psychological horror novel of the same name where Cujo is at first a lovable St. Bernard, but after being bitten by a bat becomes everyone’s worst enemy.
Here are five of our psychological horror game picks: Cooking Companions may present itself as a lighthearted visual novel, what with the adorable vegetable mascots, but don’t let their beady round ...