DEAR FRAZZLED: A wife and mother whose behavior and general cleanliness have worsened to the point that she leaves her chewed ...
Both eating disorders and PTSD involve rigid thinking. Recovery requires cognitive flexibility, to help individuals broaden ...
Mumbai: A student from a city-based college approached a counsellor recently complaining of suicidal tendencies.
As a mom of teens, I appreciate that my kids can stay home if they are having a hard mental health day.
Mental disorders differ in how deadly they are. One of the most dangerous groups of mental disorders is eating disorders. A ...
A Trump executive order called mental health problems "incompatible" with military service. Advocates fear a chilling effect.
Digital mental health services can use apps, symptom-tracking tools and programs to teach you CBT skills. But only some use ...
Those with conditions such as depression, anxiety or ADHD may find it difficult to fulfil their religious obligations during ...
Research shows that certain foods really can help with depression and stress. Here’s why—and which foods help most.
New research shows that people with eating disorders are more harshly judged than those suffering from depression, making it much harder for them to seek treatment.
Conversational AI is being designed to support pediatric mental health in several ways. These chatbots are powered by natural ...
A report highlighted a sharp rise in mental health problems across the United Kingdom, with growing pressure on NHS services and an increasing disability benefits bill.