THE Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) filed a bill on Thursday to fully implement International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 (C190), which deals with eliminating violence ...
This vulnerability and desperation is then exploited by both the government and the private sector, which impose high ...
A bipartisan effort in the State House to strengthen the legal definition of child abuse failed on Wednesday, but legislators said they hope to rework the bill and come back ...
For decades, Pakistan’s counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy has relied on an outdated, force-heavy approach— high-intensity ...
So, if immersing yourself in true crime stories makes you feel a little bit braver or a little bit more prepared, then have ...
A large study of over 14,000 Norwegian veterans reveals that taking a life in combat doesn't automatically damage a soldier’s ...
If you're the type to cope with daily anxieties and stress by burying your head in a pile of riveting true crime stories—the ...