Positive psychology was developed to counter psychology’s focus on “the bad stuff.” Positive psychology studies psychosocial ...
A new memoir, "Unshrunk," offers a scathing critique of the psychiatric drug industry, and forges a new path to healing.
From our robust core curriculum, to the most technologically advanced programs we offer, we believe that the best education is one driven by both passion and purpose. We seek real answers to tough ...
Mar. 17, 2025 — Early-life adversity affects more than half of the world's children and is a significant risk factor for cognitive and mental health problems later in life. In an extensive and ...
This directory allows the aviation industry to find potential consultants to assist with their aviation or aerospace psychology needs. Psychologists and AOC holders are referred to the UK Civil ...
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, a dynamic community of students, faculty and staff working in and across the humanities, social sciences, and fine, performing and media arts. Through our diverse range ...