The authors acknowledge that memories are malleable and can have harmful consequences. Along with many other psychologists, ...
Research has shown that adults instinctively think of men when asked to think of a person -- they describe the most 'typical' person they can imagine as male and assume storybook characters without a ...
Although song writers don't intend to inspire murder, some killers nevertheless have found a sense of identity and a license ...
Our ability to cooperate with others may be influenced by how our attention is captured and directed, as much as by how ...
Feedback would like to bring to readers' attention the retraction of five psychology articles by Nicolas Guéguen, including a ...
Key Takeaways Nostalgia is important for mental health because it inspires people to maintain friendshipsExperiments show ...
It isn't just boredom—it's your mind and spirit quietly rebelling against the predictable patterns you've accidentally built ...
Anyone familiar with the mysterious and spooky, not to mention altogether ooky, Addams Family will tell you that Morticia and ...
Zerodha's Nithin Kamath shares investment advice for retail investors: 'Follow Jerry Parker's Turtle Rule' to manage risk and ...
Chaser didn’t just learn the names of more than 1,000 objects—she also learned verbs, according to a USA Today article about ...