Schools are turning to AI-powered surveillance technology to monitor students on school-issued devices like laptops and ...
Here's to those who empower change and shape the future! Dr. Krishnapriya Indira Sreekumaran: Dr. Krishnapriya Indira Sreekumaran is a distinguished leader with expertise in education, filmmaking, and ...
Dr Devon Greyson, a health information scientist, has studied mothers who changed their minds about vaccines in an effort to “reverse engineer” the process, they say. In a 2022 study, Greyson ...
Chronic absenteeism is still threatening student learning across SC, and new state data shows that poorer school districts ...
The state board has already banned 11 books from South Carolina schools so far this academic year. It’s set to consider 10 more for removal this week. The volume of book challenges at the state ...
“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands ... Robyn Fivush, Ph.D. is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Developmental Psychology at Emory University and the director of the Family ...
Jeff Reese, an academic leader at Auburn University, will start as dean on July 1. He will also have an appointment as a ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Several Democratic State House representatives discussed a bill focused on access to books in public school libraries across South Carolina. The representatives and several ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties are among the five in South Carolina that, come May 1, will see some shakeups to their sales tax rates. Williamsburg County’s Capital ...
Ten more books could soon be banned from South Carolina public schools. Beaufort County resident Elizabeth “Ivie” Szalai, who previously sought to remove 97 books at the district level ...
The Archive bookstore in Mount Pleasant will offer wine, coffee and books about dark academia, a subgenre of romance and ...