I spent an hour this week chatting with Billy Wynne about his book, The Empty Path: Finding Fulfillment through the Radical Art of Lessening. Although I have relatively little knowledge about Buddhism ...
"In this way, positive affirmations function like the secular version of religious or spiritual prayer. Research shows that ...
We live in a fast-paced world where quick judgments and snap decisions are often encouraged, but a truly decent woman slows ...
Money quotes have the ability to encapsulate powerful meanings in a few simple words. They can inspire, motivate, and transform our mindset toward money and success. Here, I have curated a collection ...
Reading inspirational quotes can provide ... enhanced spiritual connection, and positive emotional states. A study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology explained that this ...
As parents, in the post Covid world – one is often confused as to how to understand the factors at play that influence how our children mature. We shall explore the interplay of developmental stages ...
The students will cast their vote for the Mr. and Miss Friendly are ready for the people of Jacksonville State University to cast their votes on Tuesday.
Positive psychology was developed to counter psychology’s focus on “the bad stuff.” Positive psychology studies psychosocial ...
Discover why these common feel-good mantras might actually be holding you back.
Are you looking for mindfulness quotes to inspire presence and inner peace? This post has highlights amazing quotes to encourage you to live in the moment.
Local authorities arrest 20 people in connection with the blaze, including officials and the nightclub manager.