It only took 13 days to name Francis after Benedict's resignation.When ... in a stove with a chemical that produces black smoke visible from St. Peter’s Square. Once a candidate is selected ...
A new musical blending contemporary hip-hop music and Catholic liturgy debuted Feb. 14-16 at the Lyke House, a Catholic Newman Center serving historically Black ... Mass of St. Benedict the ...
St. Patrick's Day is March 17, but everything from festivals to restaurant deals kick in early. Here's a round up of parades, ...
Year-round, Milwaukee’s blessed with many Irish pubs and eateries serving up classic fare like what you’d find in the Emerald ...
Benedict was the first pope to step down ... the ballots are burned with a mixture of chemicals to produce black smoke. Pope St. John XXIII described the way that candidates surge or fade during ...
When no one receives the required vote, the pieces of paper are placed on fire with a mixture of chemicals to produce black smoke ... by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope, now St. John Paul II, respectively.
Palm Beach County will host a variety of St. Patrick's Day events ... this party will feature pints of the their Black Metallic Irish Stout and Kilt Raiser Irish Red Ale for $7.50 all day.
Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013 ... the cardinals gathered in St. Peter's Basilica for a Mass invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in electing a new pope. For the conclave itself, the ...
Traditionally, the pope is then buried in the Vatican Grottoes, the crypts beneath St. Peter’s Basilica. Almost 100 popes are entombed there, including Pope Benedict XVI ... a chimney to the outside ...