A study by the Medical University of Vienna demonstrated that augmented reality (AR) in pediatric epilepsy surgery enhances ...
Dym and his wife Luiza found themselves in a living nightmare when their son Derek, at age 7, was diagnosed with a rare, ...
The 44-year-old started feeling a mild pain in his leg, which prompted him to visit his doctor two weeks later.
A man went to hospital complaining about weakness in his left leg, and subsequent brain scans revealed a surprising finding.
After doctors ran CT and MRI scans of ... including brain defects, infections, injuries, and tumours. It can be treated, with most common treatments being a shunt or an endoscopic third ...
In the most severe form of the condition, type 3 Chiari malformation, part of the lower back part of the brain ( cerebellum ) ...
“It’s MRI after MRI, prayer after prayer ... but their impact on the tumor is unknown. With a shunt in his brain to drain fluid, Derek was able to play with other kids and live happily ...
A French man experienced mild leg weakness, leading doctors to discover a rare case of chronic hydrocephalus. Despite extreme ...
When Nathan first went to the doctor, he was told it was probably 'a bug'. A few months later he was given three and-a half ...
This study shows that ULF scanning allows to detect and characterize brain tumors as well as metastases ... with a ventricular-peritoneal (VP) shunt and that shunting positions have not changed due to ...