The show ran for five seasons and became a massive sensation, leading to a slew of movies and spin-off series, the first being The Muppet Movie, which hit theaters in 1979. The film delves into ...
The show ran for five seasons and became a massive sensation, leading to a slew of movies and spin-off series, the first being The Muppet Movie, which hit theaters in 1979. The film delves into the ...
Tony Basilicato is known for The Muppet Movie (1979) and The Crown of Bogg (1982).
When you think of A Christmas Carol, if the Muppets don't come to mind first, we really need to talk. While we often think of ...
MUPPETS’ Christmas Carol fans are only just realising one Inbetweeners star appeared in the classic movie. Robin Weaver, 43, best known for her role as Simon’s mum, Pamela Cooper, in the ...
The Muppets brought their signature brand of chaos to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, and it took the internet by storm racking up over 185 million views on YouTube and even snagging a 2010 Webby Award. It ...
If you were born in the 1980s or 1990s, it's likely that your childhood was filled with warm memories of Friday or Saturday ...
Lower your brow and grab the popcorn as it’s time to look at ten unmissable B-movie gems…. The past few months has seen cinemas filled with mainstream films like Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and Deadpool ...
his incredible contributions to "Sesame Street" and the creation of "The Muppet Show." In addition to interviews with Henson, his wife, Jane, and close collaborator Frank Oz, this in-depth special ...
Children's Songs and Stories (with the Muppets) was released by Playhouse Video in 1985, as part of a series of compilations featuring songs and sketches from The Muppet Show. In this one hour ...
Fittingly, then, 2023’s Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror is pretty much a shot-for-shot remake of that 1922 movie, recreating imagery directly from that film with something of a digital sheen ...