Grounded in polyvagal theory, explore how emotions emerge, why they fluctuate, and how we can cultivate emotional intelligence by recognizing and regulating our autonomic states.
Conspiracy theories have occurred in society for centuries, but they have gained increased prominence in our contemporary culture, fueled by the unease of an anxious world. In the high-speed ...
This is because our experience of time is shaped by our activities and emotions. An extreme example of this is what happens when we think we are about to die. If you’ve ever been in a car ...
Your browser does not support the <audio> element. SPEAK TO the world’s financiers assembled at Davos this week, and Britain rarely comes up. When it does, the mood ...
Widely regarded as one of the most influential management experts in the early days of classical management theory, Mary Parker Follett used psychology and human relations within industrial management ...
Eczema does not simply involve having skin discomfort. It can have a profound impact on a person’s mental health, emotional state, and overall well-being. Eczema is a term for a group of related skin ...
Cartoon faces are widely used in social media, animation production, and social robots because of their attractive ability to convey different emotional information. Despite their popular applications ...
This paradigm complements existing emotion theories, building on past research and allowing for more parsimonious explanations of cross-cultural research on emotion. Our research is motivated by the ...
Though people regularly recognize many distinct emotions, for the most part, research studies have been limited to six basic categories—happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust; the ...