Most of us don't think twice about popping clothes, bedding and towels in the washing machine, but have you ever thought about chucking a shower curtain, pet harness or backpack in there? You could ...
Smart new wi-fi enabled washing machines are becoming increasingly popular, but what exactly are they, how do they work and how much will they cost? Read on to find out more about the technology, the ...
Next time this machine breaks I am going to video tape us taking a sledgehammer to it and posting it publicly. Stay away from this machine, and its matching dryer unless you want mismatched ...
Doing laundry no longer has to be a tiresome chore, thanks to fully automatic washing machines that handle everything with ease. These machines offer advanced features like multiple wash ...
I have had this machine just over a year and I am planning on having it hauled away as junk and will purchase a different brand that actually has a service department that I can understand.
When you’re shopping for a new washing machine, you want one that gets your clothes clean, of course. But what if you could invest in a machine that helps keep the environment clean, too?
So why make it any harder than it needs to be? Life's too short for a crummy washing machine and, unfortunately, our experts have seen plenty in our lab tests. "A mediocre machine isn't just bad for ...
If you have a partner and kids, you’re likely running your washing machine every few days at least. Either way, having a reliable, effective, and efficient washing machine is a need, not a want.
Hundreds of small plastic white bottles washed up on beaches from Falmouth to Weymouth are believed to have come from a massive container spill – in 2014 ... It is these that are now washing up on ...
Washing machines can be a bit of a grudge purchase. There are definitely far more enjoyable ways to spend hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars. But spending more money won't necessarily buy you a ...
Learn more. Front-load washers are some of the best washing machines you can buy, with most of the ones that Consumer Reports has tested delivering great washing performance. Front-loaders tend to ...