A new study finds that most mothers claim that babies look like their fathers during ultrasounds. There is an evolutionary ...
Science skepticism is rising. Learn why people distrust science—and how to think critically in a world full of misinformation ...
A recent study by Arizona State University has revealed that most dog owners misread their pet’s emotions by relying on the ...
IT’S a Wednesday evening and your partner suggests a takeaway from your favourite pizzeria up the road and a film in bed.  You deliberate, but you do love pizza and snuggles under the ...
Ever notice how some dogs resemble their owners? Science explains why we pick pets that mirror our looks and personalities.
Society is used to blokes cradle-snatching (just think, somewhere right now, Leonardo DiCaprio’s future lover is being ...
Simply looking at nature can relieve pain, according to new research which scanned the brains of people receiving electrical ...
Four in five children don't do any housework, even though doing chores is proven to be one of the strongest predictors of ...
Research by Alicia M. Walker finds that some women cheat not to end their relationships but to save them. These women seek to ...
Works of imaginative literature are not manuals for life, though they might along the way gift us with some wisdom; they are ...
A study evaluating the link between conspiracy theories and sleep found that people were more prone to conspiratorial ...
Do you have lots of close friends -- and work hard to keep it that way? If you've answered 'yes', you are probably nostalgic.