As aging bodies decline, the brain loses the ability to cleanse itself of waste, a scenario that scientists think could be contributing to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and ...
Every second, an adult generates around five million new blood cells to replace aging or dying ones, making the blood system a highly regenerative organ.
Our blood consists of many cell types that develop through different stages from a precursor type -- the blood stem cell. An international research team has now investigated the developmental pathways ...
Aging compromises the lymphatic vessels surrounding the brain, disabling waste drainage from the brain and impacting cognitive function. Researchers boosted lymphatic vessel integrity in old mice and ...
Researchers at the Advanced Research Unit on Metabolism, Development & Aging (ARUMDA), in the Tata Institute of Fundamental ...
Aging brains may struggle to clear out waste, contributing to memory loss and diseases like Alzheimer’s. But researchers have now found that improving the brain’s waste-draining vessels in old mice ...
NASA astronauts are returning to Earth after nine months in space. Experts have said a prolonged period in space can come ...
For years, manufacturing and engineering companies have been using digital models of products and systems for enhanced design ...