Lincoln Diaz-Balart, South Florida

The Florida scion of an anti-communist political family, he served in the House for 18 years at a time when Cuban Americans ...
Forced into exile as a boy, the Florida Republican became a voice for democracy in his native Cuba and a committed champion ...
Balart, a Cuban-American Republican politician who defended immigrants and fiercely opposed Fidel Castro’s regime to help ...
Balart, who served in the Florida House, the Florida Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives, died on Monday, according ...
Balart, a Cuban American who fought tirelessly for a free Cuba and who spent 18 years in Congress, has died after battling ...
Former Miami Republican Congressman Lincoln Díaz-Balart was a towering political figure in Miami’s early Cuban exile ...
"[He] was the conscience of the community and a great deal-maker and strategist," said the attorney's friend Marcell Felipe.