North, the leading Nordic colocation, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence service provider, has announced two key new hires that reflect its commitment to responsible growth as the ...
In Iceland, language barriers hinder immigrant integration, with about 20% of the population having an immigrant background.
The Emmy winner also talks fears about Trump, playing Reagan and the famous role his agents were initially against ...
Iceland is feeding a monster, and the whole country is facing a challenge to generate record energy while conserving its ...
Margrét, nýr framkvæmdastjóri vaxtar og viðskiptaþróunar hjá Advania á Íslandi, hóf störf hjá félaginu árið 2018.
The Boeing 757 has been the backbone of Icelandair's operation since 1990, but a lack of replacement left the market open for ...
Það var líf og fjör á opnun skemmtistaðarins Nínu við Hverfisgötu á dögunum. Eigendur segja staðinn vera svar við kalli ...
Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking (s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the ...
In November, a case of avian influenza was identified in a seagull captured near Tjönun, Reykjavík’s central pond. In October, the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) issued an uncertainty ...
In Iceland's parliament, six cleaners take a break from their duties to spend time learning Icelandic, seen as one of the ...
From the seat of my Icelandair flight, I was anxious to land and begin exploring Iceland’s many natural wonders. The rugged, ...
Three companies are collaborating on efforts to send energy to Earth with a space-based solar energy farm by 2030 ...