"Teaching Through the Screen: Approaches and Challenges of Integrating Black Mirror into Education" with Dr. Elisa Farinacci, University of Bologna ...
Welcome to the Jefferson Scholars Program! Our program is just a few years old, but what it contains is something that has provoked, challenged, and inspired many generations of students seeking a ...
The goal of the LLILAS Seed Grant Initiative is to foster a vibrant research ecosystem that propels the field of Latin American Studies forward and serves as a crucible for innovative thought and ...
Description: Conceptually explore key terms in the study of race, indigeneity and migration. Examine how race, indigeneity and migration have been central to the development of modern nations, ...
Last class day; Last day an undergraduate may, with the required approvals request a non-academic Q-drop; Last day a graduate student, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the ...
Our team handles the cleaning, coding, and management of your data, ensuring that you receive a clean dataset ready for analysis. We also conduct various analyses that meet your dissemination needs.
Looking for long-term data deposition options and aiming to contribute to data re-use? Our team can assist with everything from dataset preparation and curation to selecting and submitting to the most ...
The College of Liberal Arts Academic Excellence Award is an academic merit and financial need-based scholarship competition for currently enrolled Liberal Arts undergraduate majors. Applicants who are ...
Established in June 1969, the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies (WCAAAS) is the research, programming, and community engagement division of the Black Studies Collective ...
Power and Society (P&S) was created in 2005 by a small group of graduate students with Mounira Maya Charrad as faculty advisor. It is a faculty and student network dedicated to promoting discussion ...
Egyptian Cafe (Lameese Ahmad, The University of Texas at Austin) Refrigerator: Healthy and Unhealthy Choices (Lameese Ahmad, The University of Texas at Austin) Should the United States annex Puerto ...
The Certificate Program in Core Texts and Ideas offers undergraduates in all majors an integrated sequence of six courses based on great books and fundamental questions, which can also be used to ...