2025 세계여자컬링선수권대회가 3월 15일부터 23일까지 경기도 의정부에서 개최됐습니다. 한국은 대회 마지막 날 경기에서 중화인민공화국에 역전패하며 메달 획득에 실패했습니다. 한국 여자 컬링 대표팀이 23일 일요일 오전 ...
Tenista brasileiro dominou do início ao fim de uma partida que teve pouco mais de uma hora de duração. Com o resultado, ...
Leat beat Frances Stone and Emily Roper in the women's event with Jessica Gadirova making her return from injury. Lewis won ...
Impressionnant de maitrise, les frères Lebrun ont conservé leur titre en double hommes. Dans un remake de la finale de ...
Mathieu van der Poel outsprinted Filippo Ganna and Tadej Pogacar to regain the title he won in 2023. Earlier, Lorena Wiebes ...
Während Armand Duplantis sich im Stabhochsprung gegen den starken Griechen Karalis durchsetzt, sorgt Mujinga Kambundji für ...
Legendary artistic gymnast Oksana Chusovitina of Uzbekistan finished just off the podium in the women’s vault final Saturday ...
La biathlète française a réalisé une course quasi parfaite avec un 19/20 au tir, profitant des erreurs de Franziska Preuss ...
The USA snowboard Olympic gold medallist tells Olympics.com in an exclusive interview about the key trait he learnt about ...
Now tied with legendary Olympic champions Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean on seven British national ice dance titles, Fear ...
Die deutschen Skicross-Profis haben den nächsten Medaillenerfolg bei den Weltmeisterschaften im Ski Freestyle und Snowboard ...
第100回日本選手権水泳競技大会 競泳競技「ジャパンスイム 2025」は3月22日に3日目を迎えた。女子50mバタフライは池江璃花子が制し、2位の平井瑞希とともに世界選手権の日本代表に内定。男子200m平泳ぎの深沢大和と渡辺一平も基準をクリアした。