Rosalia Rerek Sogen, 30, from the diocese of Larantuka, was shot in an attack by a group of militiamen along with other ...
Rosalia Rerek Sogen, 30 anni, della diocesi di Larantuka, colpita in un assalto di un gruppo di miliziani insieme ad altri ...
The sector drives the Bangladeshi economy with 85% of total exports and a related industry worth 47 billion dollars. However, ...
Il settore traina l’economia del Bangladesh con l’85% del totale delle esportazioni e un indotto di 47 miliardi di dollari.
Today's news: 18 dead in the forest fires that have been afflicting South Korea for days; On social networks, videos of the protest against Hamas by hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza; Controversy i ...
Carte di debito e diversi generi di talony, i “tagliandi” degli anni di vacche magre come nella perestrojka di Gorbačev, ...
雅加达(亚洲新闻) - 印尼和沙特阿拉伯签署了新的谅解备忘录,旨在为当地劳工提供更多保障,印尼将于3月底解除过去十年来一直实施的禁止向沙特阿拉伯派遣移民工人的禁令。几天前,移民工人保护部长阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·卡丁(Abdul Kadir Karding ...
The Patriarch of Jerusalem visited the Gulf country, which is part of the Apostolic Vicariate of North Arabia. Accompanied by Bishop Berardi, the cardinal met with local communities and leading figure ...
Indonesia is to lift the ban on emigration to the Gulf, ostensibly because of better protections for migrants. But NGOs ...
Tamil families in Thaiyiddy were displaced in 1990 by the military. An area of six acres is now home to the Tissa Vihara ...
日本文部科学省已于安倍遇刺一年后,于2023年提出解散该组织的申请,称该组织对其成员施加了心理压力。据政府称,日本法院有大量判决记录了教会的强制性做法。日本教育大臣安倍俊子(Toshiko Abe)评论道:“我们相信我们的要求已经得到满足。” ...