Hitung mundur menuju FIFA Club World Cup perdana berlanjut dengan melihat bagaimana Ousmane Dembele dan kawan-kawan menantang rekor yang dicetak oleh Paris Saint-Germain di 2015/16.
Wales mengawali kampanye dengan kemenangan di Cardiff saat mereka berusaha untuk lolos kualifikasi Piala Dunia secara beruntun untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah mereka, dengan Ben Davies mencetak ...
Anche Israele, Repubblica Ceca e Galles hanno iniziato sabato il loro cammino di qualificazione europea vincendo. Le qualificazioni europee alla Coppa del Mondo FIFA 2026 di sabato hanno visto la Mace ...
Este sábado, Israel, República Checa y Gales comenzaron con victoria sus campañas de clasificación para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 26.
La Norvège, Israël, la République tchèque et le Pays de Galles l’ont emporté en qualifications européennes pour la Coupe du Monde 2026, ce 22 mars.
With New Caledonia set to face New Zealand for a place at the FIFA World Cup 26, head coach Johann Sidaner is in a jubilant mood.
Avant la finale des qualifications de l’OFC pour le Mondial 2026, le sélectionneur de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Johann Sidaner a parlé à la FIFA.
Zum ihm Start der UEFA-Qualifikation für die WM 26 holten Norwegen und Nordmazedonien beide deutliche Siege. Tschechien und Wales gewannen ebenfalls.
Em 22 de março de 2025, 12 seleções começam suas caminhadas nas eliminatórias da UEFA (Europa) para a Copa do Mundo da FIFA 2026.
Saturday's European FIFA World Cup 26â„¢ qualifiers kicked off with North Macedonia recording a comfortable away victory over Liechtenstein. Full details from that contest can be found below. There are ...
Alex Ramos discusses the jobs he worked to be able to play and coach futsal, guiding Costa Rica's men and women and the latter's Philippines 2025 hopes.
Sudan tetap berada di puncak Grup B setelah bermain imbang 0-0 melawan Senegal, sementara Togo dan Mauritania berbagi empat gol.