When COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation globally, it highlighted the difference between strong and weak digital infrastructure. Countries have a narrow window to ensure they have digital ...
In general, and except in specific circumstances as noted on certain grant applications, the foundation is unable to make grants directly to individuals. Please keep in mind that although your project ...
Clare Mukankusi hears this every time she visits farmers in Uganda. For the country’s smallholder farmers—most of them women—unpredictable weather isn’t just a setback; it’s a threat to their ...
MADISON, Wis. -- The University of Wisconsin-Madison has received a five-year, $9.5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to identify virus mutations that would serve as early ...
As a child growing up in Nairobi’s Kibera, the largest slum in Africa, Dr. Stellah Bosire often woke up with a mission to search for odd jobs to help feed herself and her four siblings. On those ...
Many of the questions we receive can be answered by information on our web site, where you can: ...
This database includes grant commitments made by the Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. Gates Foundation, Gates Library Foundation, and Gates Learning Foundation ...
The foundation’s Family Planning team works to ensure that women and girls can access the contraceptives and family planning services they want and thus exercise their right to decide whether to have ...
To improve health outcomes and prevent premature death in populations around the world suffering from high rates of Malaria infection by developing next generation malaria vaccine candidates.
In 2011, the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene program initiated the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge to spur the creation of new toilet technologies that safely and effectively manage human waste. The ...
Every year, Goalkeepers recognizes remarkable individuals taking action to help achieve the Global Goals by 2030. The annual Global Goalkeeper Award celebrates a global leader who has shown their ...
When historians write about the first quarter of the 21st century, I think they may sum it up this way: Twenty years of unprecedented progress followed by five years of stagnation. This is true for ...