A film co-written and narrated by iconic Hollywood actor Tom Hanks is set to see its U.S. premier early next year with the hope of capturing audiences in the story of humanity's journey to the moon.
"The Moonwalkers" is landing in Houston. More than a year after the immersive film debuted in London, "The Moonwalkers: A Journey with Tom Hanks" is set to make its US premiere at Space Center Houston ...
Dec. 11 (UPI) -- Forbes is sharing its list of The World's Most Powerful Women. Thirty-four-year-old billionaire Taylor Swift ...
Since Donald Trump's recent electoral victory, rumors and speculation have circulated that Nasa's giant moon rocket, the ...
The two moonwalkers rejoin their crewmates and go ... each SLS launch is estimated to cost more than US$2 billion (£1.6 billion). News of delays and technical issues with Artemis have coincided ...
Dame Anna Wintour has reflected on the evolution of the fashion industry, describing its transformation from “a very small, ...
Dame Anna Wintour said it has been “quite nostalgic” to recreate celebrated fashion catwalk shows for a new immersive ...
When astronauts land on the Moon again as part of the Artemis project, they will have to build a place to live in. Nasa wants ...