President Donald Trump's withdrawal of support for Ukraine has up-ended EU relations with the US in her first 100 days, and prompted pledges to ramp up defence spending. View on euronews ...
Mehr China wagen? So zumindest lassen sich die Zeichen lesen, die derzeit aus Brüssel kommen. Ein China-Experte warnt davor, ...
As the EU prepares for a big week of diplomacy with China, a senior official has poured cold water on the suggestion that the ...
EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen gab am Donnerstag beim EU-Südafrika-Gipfel in Kapstadt Pläne bekannt, 4,7 Milliarden Euro für ein Investitionspaket in Südafrika zu mobilisieren.
Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Kyiv by train on Monday morning to mark the third anniversary of the start of Russia's war against Ukraine and as Donald Trump's big push for negotiations rattles ...
European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday. "(Russia) has massively expanded its military-industrial production capacity... This investment fuels its war of aggression in ...
The European Commission has proposed borrowing the €150bn worth of loans against the EU budget for member states to spend on ...
BRUSSELS (Reuters) -Airbus, Dassault Systemes and more than 90 smaller European technology firms and lobby groups have urged ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated that Europe will continue to support the strengthening of Ukraine and its armed forces. At the same time, Europe will intensify its own ...
"What we need is, first of all, leadership," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said before she heads to a weekend summit in Rome of the Group of 20 most developed nations.
Für Trump gibt es zudem klare Worte von Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen. Kiew zeigt Bereitschaft für eine Waffenruhe. US-Außenminister Rubio sieht den Ball jetzt im Feld Russlands.