Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, parts of the brain that are both linked to language, are typically located in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere controls the movement of the left side ...
Embarrassing memories stick with us, but not for other people. Even years later, we might cringe to think of the things we've done. But If it's so unpleasant, why do we do it?
Everything the brain does—from storing memories to interpreting sights to regulating emotions—requires energy, all produced by cellular organelles called mitochondria. However, surprisingly little is ...
Her expertise is in developmental psychology, specifically adolescent development ... asking what happens to the brain areas and neural pathways associated with visual and multi-sensory processing ...
WHY Psychological & Brain Sciences at UD? Our undergraduate psychology program is ranked in the top 12% nationally (U.S. News and World Report). Students in the department are supported by faculty and ...
The Department of Psychology blends a foundation in the major areas of psychology with other disciplines in ... Psychologists study two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior ...
Welcome to the cognitive psychology graduate program ... a number of colloquia offered by the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Readings are drawn from a variety of areas (courses, ...
Students applying to the PhD in Applied Cognitive and Brain Sciences psychology program are expected to have an undergraduate degree in a relevant area, such as psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, ...
Everything the brain does—from storing memories to interpreting sights to regulating emotions—requires energy, all produced ...
Faculty and students in Drexel's Psychological and Brain Sciences department work side-by-side on cutting-edge research and clinical projects in areas including health, forensics, neuropsychology, ...