Compared to previous books in the series, there is less happening to drive the narrative. Instead, “Elphie” serves as a ...
Having the first print run of 12,000 books selling out in two weeks ... You set out to show independent Irish women in a modern urban setting. Why do you think there was a gap in the market?
The new book Memory Lane convincingly demonstrates how memories are like Lego buildings that are constantly being rebuilt.
By Stefano Montali A new book by the journalist Brian Goldstone puts a spotlight on people who have jobs but no homes, whose struggles remain largely invisible. By Jennifer Szalai Hallie ...
By The Learning Network In an illustrated story, a guest author describes how the simple ... Pose questions for Margaret Renkl, a contributing Opinion writer for The New York Times, by March ...
The Daily Mail Books department chooses their favourite fiction of the century. Gripping tale of the lines on which espionage meets the Vatican's priests. Clarkson's rallying cry to all farmers ...
To celebrate Irish-American Heritage Month, here are four books written by Irish authors, recommended by your friends at Pima County Public Library.
The deputy chairman and international head of books at Forum Auctions, Rupert Powell, described the letter as a "rare" piece of history. Powell said: "When reading the letter today we thus feel ...
David has been a features reporter at The Irish News since 2001, writing about music, cinema, comedy, theatre, books, art, TV, travel, motoring and more ...
Didier Eribon’s account of his mother’s decline, The Life, Old Age and Death of a Working Class Woman, is frank and moving, if a tad clunky ...
Connla Young has been in his current role with the Irish News since 2021.