Think your brain is too old to learn new tricks, let alone keep cognitive decline at bay? Think again. Research featured in ...
At Fierce Healthcare, we keep track of all the venture capital being funneled into the health tech and digital health ...
Why can't we remember when we were babies? Scientists who scanned infants' brains found that they do make memories. The ...
As animals experience new things, the connections between neurons, called synapses, strengthen or weaken in response to ...
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21, affecting brain and body development. It leads to cognitive delays, physical differences, and health challenges., Health News - Ti ...
An experimental drug appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's-related dementia in people destined to develop the disease in their 30s, 40s or 50s, according to the results of a new study. The ...
Have you ever heard someone point to a broken-down car, refrigerator, or another piece of machinery and claim, “they just don’t make them like they used to”? According to the theory of retrogenesis, ...
Studies have suggested that genes under strong sexual selection tend to evolve rapidly, particularly those associated with ...
Early-life adversity affects over half of children worldwide, increasing the risk of cognitive and mental health issues later ...
New research commissioned by the Department for Education’s Childcare Choices campaign reveals parents' top concerns about ...
According to Dr Nagda, the melatonin MT1 receptor functions like a switch that helps transition the brain from wakefulness to sleep. This receptor targets REM sleep specifically, turning off the brain ...