Communist Party Central Committee and State Council issue 30-point action plan aimed at reviving Chinese economy and stoking domestic spending It has been described as the most comprehensive package ...
ABSTRACT: The introduction of automation and recent technological advancements have changed the textile industry in different ways. Intelligent types of machinery have been developed in different ...
The good intentions of the programme would in the end be exposed as nothing more than a channel to enrich well-heeled and politically connected individuals. And fleece counties because the leasing ...
The Shorthorn Editorial Board believes people should celebrate these ... As a global technology leader, Google sets the example of social consciousness for other companies. Including these holidays ...
For example, activation of a synthetic Notch (synNotch) receptor that binds one antigen can trigger the expression of a CAR targeting another antigen. 5 (4) A CAR controlled remotely via drugs and ...
One of the many things that disheartens me about the COVID-19 pandemic is how a public health emergency fractured our world when it should have united it. The reality of a novel virus ravaging the ...
The use of online video is growing fast, with YouTube at a billion watch hours daily—and that's growing 50% year over year, according to an infographic by Marketers are finding ...