Com o Oscar e o carnaval acontecendo simultaneamente no Brasil, Fernanda Torres ganhou uma homenagem clássica: virou um bonecão de Olinda. Premiada no Globo de Ouro e indicada ao Oscar 2025 ...
But what makes the story all the more interesting is the fact that I'm Still Here stars Fernanda Torres, whose mother, Fernanda Montenegro, headlined Central Station all those years ago.
Fernanda Montenegro e Fernanda Torres serão homenageadas pelo Senado com o diploma Bertha Luz, reconhecimento a personalidades que defendem os direitos das mulheres no Brasil. A cerimônia ...
Fernanda Torres is a Brazilian actress, known for her extensive work in the Brazilian film and TV industry. Her breakout role was in the movie, Love Me Forever or Never, which got her a Best ...
Fernanda Torres registrou nas redes sua alegria com o Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional ao lado do diretor Walter Salles — Foto: Reprodução/Instagram A histórica vitória de “Ainda estou ...
Brazilians celebrated it as if it was another football title when Walter Salles' “Ainda Estou Aqui” (“I'm Still Here”) won the Oscar for Best Film in a Foreign Language. It was the first ...
Starring Fernanda Torres as a mother and activist coping with the forced disappearance of her husband during the military dictatorship in Brazil, the film also became the highest-grossing ...
Torres didn’t take home the Oscar for best actress, though I’m Still Here significantly won the best international feature film category. On the carpet before the ceremony, she dazzled in an ...
O prefeito do Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes (PSD), confirmou que a atriz Fernanda Torres desfilará no carro alegórico da prefeitura durante o Desfile das Campeãs, que acontece no próximo ...
Ao pisar no tapete vermelho na calçada da Hollywood Boulevard, em Los Angeles, neste domingo (2/3), a atriz Fernanda Torres sabia que já estava fazendo história. Mesmo sem ganhar Oscar de ...