For most investors, how much a stock's price changes over time is important. This factor can impact your investment portfolio as well as help you compare investment results across sectors and ...
Palo Alto Networks and SonicWall VPNs affected by vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution and privilege escalation.
A design flaw in the Fortinet VPN server's logging mechanism can be leveraged to conceal the successful verification of credentials during a brute-force attack without tipping off defenders of ...
Cybersecurity researchers has revealed that for months now, Fortinet’s Windows VPN client has been vulnerable to a flaw which ...
Chinese government-linked snoops are exploiting a zero-day bug in Fortinet's Windows VPN client to steal credentials and ...
With almost half of cyber pros experiencing more incidents this year, security leaders say their teams are coming under ...
Cybersecurity researchers at Volexity recently reported that a Chinese state-affiliated threat actor exploited an ...
Chinese threat actors use a custom post-exploitation toolkit named 'DeepData' to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in Fortinet ...
The DeepData malware framework was seen exploiting a Fortinet VPN client for Windows zero-day that remains unpatched.
So, here's my general rule of thumb: Paid, premium VPN services are always the safest and most reliable. But there's a small loophole for cash-strapped users, which is that some premium providers ...
One way to reclaim some of your digital privacy is by getting a virtual private network, or VPN, a service that creates an encrypted connection between your device and one of the VPN provider's ...
A now-patched, high-severity bug in Fortinet's FortiClient VPN application potentially allows a low-privilege rogue user or ...