After having declared Prakrits to be classical, it is redundant to accord the status to the modern-day new Indic languages.
Tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations play an irreplaceable role in advancing ...
Greece’s National Archaeological Museum and Epigraphic Museum are set for a transformative upgrade, with the Museums Council approving a visionary preliminary study. Located in central Athens, these ...
The myth that the statues of ancient Greece and Rome were white was created over time and upheld in part to serve racist ideological purposes. But in reality, ancient works of art were colorful, and ...
David Burghley ran at the 1924 Paris Olympics and was portrayed in the Oscar-winning movie of the games, Chariots of Fire, ...
After surrendering scores of art works thought looted, the museum is looking to its new head of provenance research to police its acquisitions and review its collection.
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. Rulers of Greek, Roman and Egyptian empires. The three most iconic, powerful and brilliant leaders in ancient history. Leaders whose lives and ...
Archeologists claim to have found the resting place of one of only a handful of the Abydos Dynasty's kings, after around ...
Not many events in history show what the culture of ancient Greece was like as well as the Panhellenic Games do.
Ancient Greek concepts of Philia Sophia (love of wisdom) and Philia Nikia (love of victory) illustrate contrasting approaches ...
The Archaeological Site The archaeological site of Olympia is a treasure trove of ancient wonders. Walking through the ruins, ...
Archaeologists digging near the ancient city of Tenea in Greece have unearthed a monumental tomb complex housing precious ...