LORD Sugar is set to fire a candidate on The Apprentice before the end of the episode, breaking from the show’s traditional ...
The Apprentice star Frederick Afrifa has spoken of his ‘frustration’ after Lord Alan Sugar made history by the way he fired ...
On the most recent instalment of The Apprentice, BBC viewers saw the candidates tasked with designing and launching an educational banking app.
Motivational speaker Frederick Afrifa and telemarketing company owner Keir Shave were the latest casualties of The Apprentice ...
The Apprentice’s Frederick Afrifa was almost immediately fired in the boardroom on the BBC show and he has shared his ...
In the boardroom, Lord Sugar was told that Kier's team made a profit of €1580 and the corporate client really enjoyed themselves. Chisola's team made a profit of €2070, but unfortunately they ...
Not a penny? b***dy hell." Upon being asked by Lord Sugar who he wished to bring back into the boardroom alongside himself for a possible firing, Frederick named Dean and Melica. But the tycoon ...
In the boardroom, Lord Sugar was told that Kier's team made a profit of €1580 and the corporates client really enjoyed ...
It is an open secret that The Apprentice film two endings of the BBC show, where both the candidates are filmed winning the ...
The remaining contestants on BBC The Apprentice were tasked with creating a banking app and money box for children between ...
The remaining candidates on The Apprentice were tasked with creating a banking app and money box for children between the ages of six and nine in the latest instalment of the BBC show.
Normally, the losing Project Manager chooses two teammates to return to the boardroom. But in a shocking deviation, a furious Lord Sugar reportedly declares, “I've heard enough”, abruptly ...