the young Marcus Aurelius took lessons on how to be an emperor from his tutor Marcus Cornelius Fronto and from his adoptive father, the emperor Antoninus Pius. Just an hour away from central Rome ...
I lean to Marcus Aurelius, who far as I know never fomented ... Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, and Marcus had no need of praetorian cohorts, or of countless legions to guard them, but were ...
The most famous ruler featured in the hoard is arguably the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned from A.D. 161 to 180), while his wife, Faustina II, is portrayed on a coin of her own.
Cleveland Museum of Art A headless bronze statue that may depict the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius will be repatriated to Turkey after an investigation determined that it had been ...
the wife of the emperor Antoninus Pius, and Faustina II, the wife of Marcus Aurelius, he said. A hoard that contains coins spanning more than 200 years is a sign that the Roman currency at the ...