Adam Bardy ukončil rok 2024 najveľkolepejšie, ako mohol. Stal sa z neho trojnásobný otecko. Teraz sa svojimi novými malými ...
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini said there’s no need to declare a state of emergency even after the premier suggested some groups had attempted to organize a “coup.” While some preventive ...
By Albin Sybera in Prague Slovakia’s President Peter Pellegrini said the situation in the country is “serious” following a ...
“The situation in Slovakia is serious,” said President Peter Pellegrini, former head of the Hlas ruling coalition party, and shows “signs of a purposeful and organized escalation of tensions with the ...
A 19-year-old student’s decision to avoid shaking hands with Slovak President Peter Pellegrini has ignited a political storm, dividing public opinion and drawing reactions from top officials.
Zakladateľ a čestný predseda Hlasu Peter Pellegrini obvinil štvoricu poslancov okolo Samuela Migaľa z mocenských ambícii väčších, než má Rudolf Huliak. Prezident Peter Pellegrini sa dištancoval od ...
A Slovak schoolboy, the winner of the mathematics Olympiad, refused to shake the hand of the country's President, Peter Pellegrini, because he does not agree with his decisions, in particular, ...
Dear Slovak women (Slovenky), dear Slovak men (Slováci), esteemed fellow citizens, The arrival of the New Year is always a leap into the unknown, bringing with it both hope and apprehension. That is ...
The stranger, Laurence J. Peter, told Hull that every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. Workers, he argued, keep getting promoted until they are in over their heads. The ...
Peter Herbstreit runs the sideline at the Rose Bowl. / Screenshot via @awfulannouncing on X. As all of his golden retrievers tend to do, Kirk Herbstreit's dog Peter has become the latest internet ...