Explore 10 overlooked psychology books that unveil hidden truths about addiction, trauma, freedom, and the unconscious mind., ...
Our faculty and staff have many years of experience treating both the medical and psychological sides of addiction. Our staff combines knowledge and skills from a wide range of areas, including ...
Many programs employ a combination approach, one that treats the physical and the psychological addictions you're trying to break. Dr. Amit Mahajan, a volunteer medical spokesperson for the ...
Improving access to mental health and addiction support took a significant step forward today with Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey announcing that ...
Speaking to Times Now, Neha Cadabam, Senior Psychologist and Executive Director at Cadabams Hospitals shares the psychological impact of gaming addiction on teenagers. Gaming addiction can have ...
The Himachal Pradesh State AIDS Control Society has directed NGOs to refer injecting drug users to psychiatric departments weekly to combat rising addiction rates. The initiative emphasizes continuous ...
The Scope of Addiction Among Players The figures shared by The Sun indicate a troubling trend among players: 530 sought treatment for drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, and other ...
Despite limitations, these findings contribute to the existing literature on “love addiction,” providing valuable insights into the psychological mechanisms behind this phenomenon and laying ...
Adolescent substance use is a significant predictor of future addiction and related disorders ... Lead investigator Jungmeen Kim-Spoon, PhD, Department of Psychology and School of Neuroscience, ...