Wang Chuqin's mentality going into the match was one of preparedness and respect. Post-match, he noted, "I was ready to play all five sets!" This indication of humility underscores his acknowledgment ...
If you aren't sure if the person you're into is into you too, look for these signs you share an unspoken mutual attraction.
Experts say elder abuse in rural communities is a problem, but finding ways to solve it means clarifying how states define it and who should report it.
New research shows that social media isn't just changing how we communicate—it's becoming a breeding ground for full-blown ...
While income is undoubtedly important for happiness, we should not lose sight of its importance in the scheme of many other ...
A new study from King’s College London has found that most people who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a ...
The Research Associate will successfully execute federal, and foundation sponsored research to address predetermined aims and goals set by multiple funded projects aimed at advancing our understanding ...
DEI campaigns are targeting terms like “sense of belonging,” the psychological drive for community, respect, and connection ...
If your students are hesitant to speak up, you can try these ideas to help them find the confidence they need to engage fully ...
Faculty members in psychological science (Cindy McCrea, Sydney Boutros, and Matt Genuchi) and materials science and ...
Nostalgic people have more close friends and put more effort into maintaining friendships and relationships than less ...
I have patients that are saying that they don’t want to be Jewish anymore, because everybody hates them,” Miri Bar-Halpern, a psychologist, told JNS.The post Long-term psychological impact of Jew-hatr ...