Researchers are delving into how visiting art museums may support our emotional, cognitive and physical health.
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, a dynamic community of students, faculty and staff working in and across the humanities, social sciences, and fine, performing and media arts. Through our diverse range ...
A study published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts suggests that content warnings on visual ... To test this, the researchers conducted an experiment with 213 participants. Each ...
Missing the gorilla in the room? This eye-opening article teaches how cognitive blind spots prevent us from truly knowing ...
This study shines a light on a promising alternative: the simple, yet profound act of creating art together. Led by Elizabeth Quinn, a PhD candidate in Psychology at Queen Mary University of London, ...
Explore fun experiments and mesmerizing art that will elevate your home décor like never before! Watch as creative techniques bring ordinary materials to life, turning them into stunning ...
Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), a non-profit organization, integrated theater, multi-sensory environments, and groundbreaking technology. Their pioneering efforts to facilitate ...
The Irrational Season 2 Episode 14 centering around the Milgram Experiment is the coolest thing ever. I’ve been fascinated with this social psychology experiment since I first learned about it ...
Source: Featured on PDR in the collection The Surreal Art of Alchemical Diagrams Art and science make for strange bedfellows. Art traffics in images and sounds, science in numbers and graphs.
Adopting the eye-tracking and key-logging approach to data collection, this study implemented an eye-tracking experiment with EFL learners at a Chinese university to probe into how the participants ...
They were not given instructions on more specific task structures or the goals of the experiment. The stimuli were presented with a program written using Presentation ver.14.1 (Neurobehavioral Systems ...