From China to Brazil to Germany, huge numbers of people are addicted to shopping, driven in part by companies that use gaming ...
Luke Natoli of New Jersey sheds light on the factors that contribute to false confessions and how the justice system often ...
Since the mid-1980s, a number of organizations, primarily in northern Mexico, have launched informational campaigns and ...
You might think that the best way to counteract misinformation is to point out the truth. New research suggests a ...
Close your eyes and picture your guest—whether your current guest, or the one you covet. Not so easy, right? Different ...
Climate change, perhaps, used to be a topic where reasoned discussion was possible, particularly if people were lacking basic ...
Science skepticism is rising. Learn why people distrust science—and how to think critically in a world full of misinformation ...
We are improving care and supporting older people to look after their own health. Advances in health care have helped people to live longer than ever before which creates new challenges for the NHS.
Here are 10 key facts about the U.S. Catholic population, drawn from Pew Research Center surveys. How we did this Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to explore the basic demographic traits, ...
Psychological factors appear to play a role in the perpetuation of symptoms in people with shoulder chronicity. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the role of psychological factors in ...
Homelessness is a big issue affecting hundreds of thousands of people across the UK and those numbers have ... That’s why it is vital that we know the facts and figures about homelessness. Here are ...
“And yet not only do people not blame the adviser more, they’re blaming themselves more.” Woolley and Sunita Sah, associate professor of management and organizations, published their findings in ...