Nagpur: Mandar Mule, a research student from Nagpur University's pharmacy department, won the Best Poster Presentation Award ...
For the seventh consecutive year, several Sacred Heart Academy research proposals submitted to the Association for Psychological Science have been accepted for presentation at the Association’s ...
Students will work on interdisciplinary research projects throughout the summer, culminating in a poster presentation and a one-page abstract/summary of their results. Each participating student will ...
Working together, the governments of Canada and South Korea aim to foster and support collaborative industrial research and development (R&D) projects with a high potential for commercialization. This ...
In some cases, the product could be a poster submission to a conference or a ... about any experience that would qualify them for the research project. Procedure for Evaluation: Proposals will be ...
All posters must be submitted in the following dimensions: 36” (width) X 24” (height). Poster files must be sent in PDF format. Students presenting their research should consider including the ...
Clear and concise project overview and able to answer questions adequately Quality of poster: Appropriate, understandable, and informative overview of your project Quality of research ...
At a poster session, a viewer will likely pass right by a poster that is intimidatingly packed with dense text. Instead, present your project in bullet points or in short sentences. Clear images can ...
The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation Bremen has announced a new round of calls for tenders for the aerospace research programme (LuRaFo). The LuRaFo funding programme is primarily aimed ...
Predictors of functional recovery after thrombectomy in posterior circulation stroke: Insights from the STAR collaboration. Alawieh AM, Eid M, Anadani M, Sattur M, Chalhoub R, Maier I, et al.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the material on is accurately displayed, consistent with the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for ...
In its inaugural call for research proposals, GHRI received more than $1 million in funding requests. These proposals span a diverse range of departments and fields, including engineering, computer ...