First Minister insists SNP will focus on Scotland’s ‘issues of concern’ after ex-leader urges party to stay the course on trans rights ...
BRATISLAVA - Slovenská diva Sisa Lelkes Sklovská (58) prežila mimoriadne emotívny večer! S manželom Jurajom Lelkesomom oslávili 14. výročie svadby, no netušila, že ju čaká dojímavé prekvapenie priamo ...
MOSKVA. Premiér Robert Fico odcestuje do Moskvy spolu s veľkou delegáciou na oslavy Dňa víťazstva 9. mája. Uviedol to v stredu pre ruskú tlačovú agentúru TASS podpredseda Národnej rady SR Tibor Gašpar ...
First Minister John Swinney has dismissed a suggestion from the UK government that SNP plans to offset the two-child benefit cap are being held up by Holyrood ministers. The Scottish government ...
Social Care Minister Maree Todd has confirmed the SNP administration is dropping its flagship policy. The health secretary made the latest apology after being accused of misleading parliament by ...
Making the announcement on Instagram, the ex-SNP leader said: “With a heavy heart I am confirming that Peter and I have decided to end our marriage. “To all intents and purposes we have been ...
Operation Branchform, the police investigation into Nicola Sturgeon and SNP finances, approaches its fourth year. The political landscape has changed significantly in that time. There has been ...
The Glasgow North MP was banned from the Commons for two days and suspended from the SNP for six months. He was ordered to make a public apology, as well as a private one to the victim.
‘SNP ministers must hold CalMac to account to ensure that these issues are addressed as soon as possible, and let our islanders know in good time if this ferry will still be delivered on January 13.
BRATISLAVA. Vojaci Ozbrojených síl vypálili v deň štátneho sviatku z nábrežia Dunaja v Bratislave 21 delostreleckých sálv. Pripomenuli si tak výročie vzniku Slovenskej republiky. O vykonanie aktu sa ...
The Caledonian Sleeper train between Scotland and London has received almost 1,000 complaints since being nationalised by the SNP, it has emerged. Figures published by the Scottish Conservatives ...