Social cognition, a sub-topic of social psychology, involves how we process, interpret, and respond to social signals. These processes allow people to understand social behavior and react in ...
How much space do you need when meeting a human versus a robot? People often prefer more distance from robots—even when they look remarkably similar to us.
In short, we do what they do. This theory is also known as social cognitive theory. Social learning theory, developed by psychologist Albert Bandura, uses theories of classical and operant ...
Ongoing research topics include recognition/recall memory, testing effects, metamemory, letter/word perception, face perception, semantics, shifts of attention, and social cognition.
(2010). How does cognitive control reduce anger and aggression?: The role of conflict monitoring and forgiveness processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 830-840. [preprint pdf] ...
Serve geographically bound psychology undergraduate majors through our distance programs. Provide graduate training for doctoral students in clinical, social, cognitive, and legal psychology who will ...
Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable state ... Unit 731 perpetrators chose to adopt a clearly false belief instead of changing their behavior, social psychology provides an answer—the group is a ...
Test the boundary between nature and nurture and discover how understanding psychology can help people thrive. Study the motivations, emotions, and cognitive processes that drive human actions.
Primates are able to use their skills in social cognition to their advantage by ... Maestripieri, D. Primate Psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (2005). Tomasello, M.
It facilitates research conducted in the fields of educational sciences, learning, cognitive sciences, psychology, logopedics, and phonetics. Did you know? Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, ...