The question of who will pay for dinner can be surprisingly difficult to settle to everyone’s satisfaction. Some solutions ...
New research shows that social media isn't just changing how we communicate—it's becoming a breeding ground for full-blown ...
A research team led by Dr. Raymond Chan from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with ...
There are a few steps that could make a significant impact without requiring social media companies to completely overhaul ...
A study evaluating the link between conspiracy theories and sleep found that people were more prone to conspiratorial ...
Part of forming your own identity is defining yourself by the traits that make you unique. To do this, you categorize others as belonging to your group – based on characteristics that matter to you, ...
Close your eyes and picture your guest—whether your current guest, or the one you covet. Not so easy, right? Different ...
Our brains use basic 'building blocks' of information to keep track of how people interact, enabling us to navigate complex social interactions, finds a new study.
Adolescents with the strongest relationships are the most likely to have high levels of well-being — even when they use ...
Burnout may not be the source of your unhappiness at work. It’s fraternal twin, bore out, could be the problem. Here’s how to ...
Friendship after 60 isn't just fulfilling—it's vital. Learn how social connections boost health and happiness, and practical ...