but Victoria is just a basket case. “I truly believe their head is so far in the sand they’re not willing to make a change,” he told the gathering in his strong Irish accent. Victorian Labor ...
However, following a modern day review of the case, his cause of death is now being treated as “unascertained”. Baby Callum was named after the Callands area of the Cheshire town where he was ...
It happened with Sara Sharif, Victoria Climbie, Logan Mwangi, Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Star Hobson, Kyrell Matthews, Hakeem Hussain and, disgracefully, too many more children to mention. Speak to ...
The encounter near the U.S. San Juan Islands east of Victoria showed orca calf J62 swimming alongside other members of J Pod. Researchers using a drone captured images of the newest southern ...
Last year, the Supreme Court agreed to step into the Idaho case, but it handed down a narrow ruling: Hospitals were allowed to make determinations about emergency pregnancy terminations ...
Social worker Lisa Arthurworrey has been partially exonerated by the inquiry into the Victoria Climbie case, her father claimed today. Ms Arthurworrey showed "many serious failings" in her ...
Claims by a former dean of a “campaign of bullying” and a “toxic culture” at the University of Melbourne’s St Mary’s College have been dismissed as “unsustainable” by the Fair Work ...
Last month marked ten years since Victoria Adjo Climbié ... when he heard about the baby Peter case, he was angry that many of his recommendations weren't implemented. "Yes, although my concern was ...
who led a government inquiry into her daughter's case. Speaking through a translator, Victoria's mother, Berthe Climbié, said: "I am shocked by local institutions who did not take the responsibility ...
This is the first picture of Carole Baptiste, the social worker at the centre of the Victoria Climbie child abuse scandal who faces jail after defying a demand to give evidence at an inquiry. The ...