A Rotorua tech entrepreneur couple are stoked they can provide more gaming computers for their students after receiving a $31 ...
First on the stage yesterday was Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue from Te Arawa whose emotional tribute to the late Tā Robert ...
New Zealanders now have funded access to a global standard of care treatment for a form of liver cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), which, unlike many other cancers has a rapidly increasing rate ...
Queenstown, New Zealand (1 March 2025) – 2600 people took to the hills in Wānaka and Arrowtown today for NZ’s biggest off-road sporting event, the Motatapu. With five events on offer including a 52km ...
Free speech org criticized constitution and made hard-to-sustain accusations of possible censorship Membership of InternetNZ, ...
America has always stripped the land of its original Indigenous names. It's had surprising climate implications ...
Freshwater declines have robbed Ngāi Tahu communities of mahinga kai, a mātauranga Māori expert tells the High Court ...
An Environment Court judge has ordered works on a controversial sewerage scheme to pause ahead of an urgent hearing.
Munster and the Irish Rugby Football Union have confirmed the appointment of Clayton McMillan as the province’s new head ...
Every item performed by kapa at Te Matatini carry a pūrākau (story) of people, places, and events of historical of significance for their hapū and iwi.
The appeal of a festival like Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga to other indigenous peoples was evident yesterday as a delegation ...