After an agreement was made to sink the historic SS United States off the coast of Florida as the world's largest artificial ...
From the outskirts of New York to the Delaware River shoreline across from Philadelphia, New Jersey is home to numerous oil ...
The Delaware River offers plenty of potential, but some developers are less than excited about cleaning up its polluted past.
Tammy Donahue, 43, has been living in what can be characterized as small encampments along a section of the Delaware River ...
Penn City Investments Inc., a paper importer that operates piers and warehouses in South Philadelphia, owed the Philadelphia ...
Philadelphia and New York City could face significant challenges to their water supplies as drought conditions and rising sea ...
The declaration does not trigger an immediate response, but allows the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) to oversee ...
Delaware River Basin managers have taken special action amid drought conditions in all but two of the region's 42 counties.