It was an epic celebration as filmmaker-actor-producer Farhan Akhtar, choreographer-director Farah Khan, and actor-VJ Anusha Dandekar ringed in their birthdays together on January 9. The trio arrived ...
Filmmaker-actor-producer Farhan Akhtar, choreographer-director Farah Khan, and actor-VJ Anusha Dandekar ringed in their birthdays together at one party.
Zoya Akhtar hosted a cosy birthday celebration to celebrate Farhan Akhtar's birthday, with close friends and family in ...
December 9, 2025, marks the birthday of three Bollywood celebs: Farhan Akhtar, Farah Khan and Anusha Dandekar. To celebrate ...
I find his sense of history astounding, not just history of film, but of life in general.' Another fascinating excerpt from ...