While listening to Friday’s court hearing in Winnebago County related to the Pecatonica Township Clerk’s decertification of ...
Over the years we have exposed more fraud related to handwritten timecards than imaginable.  Time Card Tuesday comes to mind ...
On November 1, 2023, embattled Lisle Township Supervisor Diane Hewitt was arrested by Warrenville Police Department and later charged with misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Her next ...
A Federal Grand Jury has issued another subpoena to the Village of Dolton requesting records of Mayor Tiffany Henyard and ...
A Federal Indictment was handed down today on Keith Freeman, Tiffany Henyard’s Administrator for Thornton Township and Village Administrator for the village of Dolton, Illinois. We wrote about his ...
The Mahomet Township Road District Highway Commissioner Chris Doenitz appears to have been put on notice by the Attorney ...
Today we filed a third lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) to force the village of Dolton, Illinois to produce the public records requested in January 2024. On January 30, 2024, I ...
Charge people to park on your property? You must register with the State of Illinois by January 1, 2020, and you must pay an excise tax. Failure to do so is a Class A Misdemeanor. The tax is 6% or 9% ...
The Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office was made aware of an allegation against Assistant State’s Attorney Allen over the weekend. The complaint of prosecutorial misconduct against Mr. Allen was ...
For those of you that pay property tax, have you ever wondered why we pay so much compared to other parts of the country? One reason is explained in detail below. The General Assembly established an ...
As it stands now, the small Village of Metcalf (pop 189) in North-Central Edgar County, Illinois, has no candidates on the ballot for the elective offices of Village President and Village Trustee(s).